About Jessica: Jessica is passionate about caring for and empowering women who struggle with women’s and pelvic health conditions. She is equally passionate about educating and supporting clinicians in confidently and safely using integrative tools to transform women’s and pelvic healthcare. Having over a decade of experience as a women’s and pelvic physical therapist plus owning a private women’s health clinical nutrition and coaching practice gives her a unique perspective on the integrative, conservative options for pelvic pain management. Jessica was educated at the University of Virginia, Emory University, The Institute of Integrative Nutrition, and Duke Integrative Medicine. She is currently a doctoral student in clinical nutrition at Maryland University of Integrative Health.
“The Holistic Core Restore® Program from Jenny Burrell is absolutely best in class. Speaking from my background as a pelvic floor physiotherapy and nutrition expert, I can say with full confidence that with this program you will have everything you need to provide safe and effective holistic fitness for women in the perinatal years (and far beyond) to eliminate incontinence, reduce the risk for prolapse, and support overall core stability. What I like best about this program is that Jenny has been testing and using this work for years. It’s been tested for effectiveness with thousands of clients, and she takes into consideration so many factors that can come up in this population. As a fitness or physiotherapy professional, once you have this training, you will have the tools that you need to expertly and confidently work with women with Diastasis Recti, women who want to burn fat, and even with women who want to lift heavy weights or participate in Cross Fit. That’s no easy task to do safely in women with pelvic health issues, and Jenny has you covered. And, importantly, this is work that the women in your community NEED! Pelvic healthy issues are so often brushed under the rug by traditional fitness experts and physicians, and women are being forced to the sidelines because of embarrassment or pain. You are just the person to bring this work to the women in your community, confidently, safely, and effectively. If you want to grow your fitness or physiotherapy practice into the perinatal, postpartum, or postmenopausal markets and have everything you need to build a successful business, join The Holistic Core Restore® Program, get the education and Jenny’s energetic wisdom for sharing this work with the women who so desperately need it..”


About Maria: Maria has worked extensively in the field of Women’s Health for over 25 years, specializing in Pre-Natal and Post-Natal Physiotherapy trained in France, to treating and coaching women with Complex Pelvic Pain trained in the States. She focuses on helping women achieve optimal pelvic health and balance through manual therapy, targeted exercises, and functional rehabilitation. Maria works closely with leading Women’s Health London Consultants, experts in the field of Biomechanics and functional rehab to provide integrated recovery Programmes for men and women.
“Jenny Burrell is fantastic, clever, creative, intuitive and always asking ‘why?’ As a fellow leader in Post-Natal recovery and someone who is passionate about anything that pushes the boundaries in this field, I love her new HCR programme. Linking the HCR Team with my The Mummy Mot Practioners (Specialist Post Natal Physiotherapists) was a no-brainer as it’s a natural fit. It provides an exciting and excellent opportunity to help mums have an optimal Post Natal Recovery wherever they live in the UK. I have now met many of her incredibly well-trained Coaches and love the functional movement and integrated breath work that’d the foundation of the programme. Jenny’s energy inspires us all to go beyond our comfort zone! Mums need this programme and her HRC Coaches!“
What Women Say….