Did you know?
For women over 35 who run, their most common injuries are foot and ankle related?
That over one quarter of the bones in your body are in your feet, so if they’re not happy, nothing else will be!
That if you’re leaking with running, it may be more important to work on hip mobility rather than isolated pelvic floor ‘clenching’!
- You’d like to simply feel more comfortable when performing the running or walking that you love
- You’d like to understand your body better and be taught how to rid yourself of simple niggles that spoil your enjoyment of your sport for yourself!!
- You’d like to be able to run or walk for longer and feel stronger – and maybe want to enter a longer race or walk event confidently
- You know that your mobility or stiffness in certain areas of your body is holding you back from really enjoying your run or walk
- You want to work with a EXPERT Coach who can incorporate Pelvic Floor exercise into your running programme.
- Want to work with an EXPERT Coach who will screen for and take into consideration your Pelvic Health status BEFORE programming movement – BECAUSE THAT MATTERS!!!
Are you afraid of leaking when you’re running? Do you have pain with running? Or maybe you’re wanting to get back to running after injury? IF YES, THIS PROGRAMME IS FOR YOU!

This HIGHLY EFFECTIVE six week programme, created in collaboration with GB Athlete Chris Stanton, is designed to give you THE VERY BEST FOUNDATION for your new or already established running and walking habit – literally from the ground up! Delivered either virtually or face-to-face, this programme is UNIQUE because it’s specifically designed with a woman’s body in mind, especially in terms of Pelvic Health because at the end of the day, women’s are DIFFERENT to mens and all exercise/rehab programming needs to be made bespoke for each woman.
Over the course of six weeks, you and your Coach will cover all the BIG ROCKS of running and walking with strength, comfort and ease. We’ll cover MOBILITY, ACTIVATION, STABILITY AND STRENGTH for all the key areas associated with walking and running resilience – the foot, ankle, hips, lumbar region and spine. The programme progresses gradually every week with your Coach providing supportive and bespoke homework for you including soft-tissue self-care to support you feeling confident to help yourself outside of the coaching sessions. We’re not guaranteeing that you’ll end up beating Mo Farrah any time soon 🙂 but we will be giving you the tools to help you ‘control your controllables’ when it comes to the most common injuries women who run have to deal with.

Understand your body better and what it takes to run or walk for longer and stronger.
Soft Tissue Therapy:
Learn how to administer Soft Tissue Therapy for yourself and take your running self-care to the next level!
Learn how to mobilize the ‘Big Rocks’ of better running and walking….the feet, ankles, hips and lower and thoracic spine.
Get all the essential muscles and connective tissue ON LINE and ready to work for you.
Improve your ‘running stablity’
Stability and strength are essential to going longer and feeling stronger
Integrate Pelvic Floor:
Our ‘secret sauce’, now let’s get your Pelvic Floor exercise to actually COMPLIMENT what you’ll need it to do whilst running and walking!

And……..because we know that not everyone is a runner, if you’ve recently taken up extended periods of walking or hiking as a leisure/movement activity, we bet that you’ll want to walk in more comfort, walk stronger and walk for longer? If that’s a YES, then this programme is for you. A beautiful 6 week programme delivered by your Coach, direct to you in your home or face-to-face that does what it says on the tin….it will get you fitter and stronger to enjoy your walking time. Full of mobilizations and strengthening drills for your whole body (because walking is a whole-body sport) as well as beautiful relaxation and breathwork practices guaranteed to have you feeling like you literally have a new body!


These programmes can be delivered either via Zoom/ONLINE or ‘in-person’ by your Certified Holistic Core Restore® Coach on either a 1:1 basis or as part of a small-group offering.
The length of the programme will be determined by your Coach but most will run a 6-8 week programme that’s progressed weekly. Even when working in a small group, this offering is ALWAYS utterly bespoke and your Coach is taught to completely tailor their advice and programming to your needs and ‘meet you EXACTLY where you are now’ by supporting this progress with real-world solutions and support over a time-frame that suits your needs and goals.


It’s simple, if you feel this programme is for you, use the FIND A COACH box to locate someone either in your locality or a Coach you can work with virtually using Skype or Zoom! All you’ll need for Virtual Coaching is a Computer, an internet connection and access to Skype or Zoom which are both FREE. Once connected with your Coach, they’ll take you through our unique screening process. It’s extensive and thorough but this ensures you get the help you deserve and need because we fully understand your health journey and what you hope to achieve.
Once you’ve been screened and it’s agreed that the programme is the right fit for you, you’ll enter the world of Holistic Core Restore® whereby your Coach will take you through the Programme made bespoke for you!
So, if you’re a runner, you’ll experience our UNIQUE ‘Fit To Run®’ Programme which takes you right back to the basics and includes foot and ankle mobility drills, building glute strength, building single leg strength, upper body strength and of course Pelvic Floor and Core Exercise that actually help you to ‘run dry’ and help you to run stronger for longer!!! And if you’re a walker and want to improve your mileage and walk with ease and comfort then, you’ll LOVE our UNIQUE ‘Fit to Walk’ Programme!
What Women Say….