All programmes and exercises within the Holistic Core Restore® suite have been created for women requiring a CONSERVATIVE programme to help them strengthen and return optimal function to their Pelvic Floor and entire Core throughout EVERY LIFE PHASE. Including those suffering from the symptoms of ‘Genuine Urinary Stress Incontinence’ , the early stages of Pelvic Organ Prolapse (women need to have been given permission by their medical team to take steps to strengthen their core/Pelvic Floor to improve their condition) and the less complicated cases of Diastasis Recti. The programmes are also intended as a ‘first step’ for those recovering from Hysterectomy, POP Surgeries and a C-Section Scar.
There are many other symptoms/causes of Pelvic Floor/Core Dysfunction and incontinence including neural dysfunction and extreme structural dysfunction such as the higher grades of Pelvic Organ Prolapse. These issues require clinical attention and we feel it would be prudent to seek help from your General Practitioner, a specialist Womens Health Physiotherapist/Physical Therapist, a Gynaecologist or Obstetrician as your recovery and improvement in your health may well require a greater level of clinical intervention than the conservative approach provided here by the Holistic Core Restore® programme. But rest assured, seeking more thorough help IS THE WAY TO GO. Don’t take a short-cut when it comes to your health.
The content of all of the programmes are not intended as substitute for a thorough medical/clinical evaluation and treatment of your condition. Before commencing any of the HCR® programmes, your Coach will take you through an extremely thorough Health Questionnaire and screening system. This is designed to highlight any RED FLAG issues that require clinical/medical intervention. The onus on participation remains on the client undertaking the programme and any wellness/nutrition information provided within these programmes knowing that they are not intended as a replacement for professional consultations with a clinical practitioner.
This programme is a holistic wellness programme and not intended as medical or diagnostic advice.
Yours, in health and well-being,
Jenny Burrell – Head of Burrell Education and Progamme Creator
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